The Oil Cleansing Method

Three Easy Steps for Balanced Skin

Julia Reed

12/28/20233 min read

Why use the Oil Cleansing Method?

Your skin naturally produces oils, which keep it hydrated. Many cleansing products strip the skin of oils, leaving skin feeling tight and dry as they disrupt its natural balance. Some cleansing products are irritating to eyes, so you need a separate product for removing eye makeup. The oil cleansing method can lift dirt, makeup, excess oil and dead skin cells from your face without drying out your skin. It therefore works with your skin resulting in it feeling more balanced. The oil cleansing method can be used all over your face, and I’ve found it’s the best for gently but thoroughly removing eye makeup, including heavy mascara.

How does oil clean your skin?

Quite simply, oil absorbs oil. The gorgeous plant oils I’ve selected for NATHEO’s Cleansing Oil are able to absorb excess skin oils that have sunk into the skin’s pores together with dirt and makeup from the day. The oil cleansing method is therefore ideal for your evening cleansing routine, to thoroughly cleanse and balance your skin. A hot, damp cleansing cloth produces steam that opens the pores, allowing easy removal of the cleansing oil together with the debris it has gathered from your skin, and yet the balance of the skin has not been affected.

Is the Oil Cleansing Method suitable for all skin types?

The simple answer is yes! As discussed above, your skin needs oil. The skin naturally produces oil, which keeps it hydrated and balanced. Even if you have oily skin it is not a good idea to use harsh cleansing products that strip the skin of all oils, as this can disrupt the natural balance of the skin. Oil alone does not cause spots and blackheads. The Oil Cleansing Method is an excellent way of thoroughly cleansing the skin and can help all skin types maintain hydration and balance.

The Three Easy Steps for Clean, Balanced Skin

Step 1: Massage Cleansing Oil into your skin

Dispense two to three pumps of Cleansing Oil into the palm of your hands, warming the oil between your fingers. Massage the Cleansing Oil thoroughly into your face and neck using circular movement, whilst still dry, for one to two minutes. If I have time to have a long soak in the bath in the evening, I like to leave the Cleansing Oil on for a really deep cleanse as the steam from the bath helps to open the pores.

Step 2: Clean Cleansing Oil from your skin using a Cleansing Cloth

Rinse a cleansing cloth with comfortably hot water and wring it out. Place the cloth over your face and the steam helps to open the pores. After a minute or two, wipe your face and the fibres help to lift the oil from your skin. The cloth also adds a gently exfoliating effect, helping to remove dead skin cells from your face. Repeat this process once or twice more until all the oil and makeup is removed.

Step 3: Refresh your skin by splashing with cold water. This step helps to close the pores slightly after cleansing.

What’s Special About Natheo’s Cleansing Oil?

NATHEO Cleansing Oil uses the naturally cleansing plant oils of Camellia seed, Apricot kernel and Castor seed together with a coconut-based emollient. These remove all traces of dirt and makeup, leaving your skin feeling balanced; clean and refreshed without dryness.

NATHEO Cleansing Oil is lightly fragranced version with Lavender, Geranium and Patchouli essential oils, which are gentle, balancing essential oils. NATHEO Cleansing Oils are Vegan and Cruelty-free.

My experience of the Oil Cleansing Method

Until I started my move towards natural skincare products around eight years ago, I’d never tried the oil cleansing method. I had a combination skin type, and my skin was feeling unbalanced with some dry patches and some areas of regular breakouts. I played around with various formulae for natural cleansing balms and oils, trying out different plant butters and oils, until I found the combination with the right balance. It needed to sit on my skin for long enough to absorb excess oil and dirt, but it also needed to be simple to remove with a cloth, leaving just the right amount on the skin, so that my skin felt hydrated rather than greasy. NATHEO’s Cleansing Oil is the result, and I’ve never looked back! I love the oil cleansing method – it’s the best cleansing method I’ve found to remove eye makeup, and my skin feels so hydrated and balanced.

Have you tried the Oil Cleansing Method? Has it helped your skin?